GPS 120 Course Image

Introduction to Geometrical Tolerancing Course

The list price for the course is US$ 99.

You can preview several of the lectures for free by clicking the picture above.

This course is an introduction to geometrical tolerancing within GPS:

The course is based on ISO 1101, ISO 1660 and ISO 5459.

The course contains easy to follow examples using each of the 14 geometrical tolerancing symbols. It gives examples of all the kinds of geometrical tolerancing, including:

  • Form tolerancing
  • Orientation tolerancing
  • Location tolerancing
  • Profile tolerancing
  • Runout tolerancing

The course includes an introduction to datums that allow students to understand the use of datums in the examples.

The course is an introductory course aimed at students that do not have any background in geometrical tolerancing. It gives a basic understanding of how geometrical tolerancing works, what each of the tolerancing symbols means and how the tolerance zones are defined. It does not provide all the details and rules involved in geometrical tolerancing, which would require a much more extensive course. It is recommended that students consult the ISO GPS standards listed above for the complete rules for geometrical tolerancing.

This course is intended for anybody working in manufacturing industry, who has an interest in geometrical tolerancing according to ISO Geometrical Product Specification standards. 

Geometrical Product Specifications(GPS) is the international symbol language used to express tolerances in technical drawings. It defines the nominal geometry of the components that make up the product, and the tolerances that quantify the allowable deviations from this nominal geometry.

The ISO-GPS language is defined in a number of ISO standards developed by ISO Technical Committee 213 "Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification".

I have been the chairman of ISO TC 213 since 2008.

Any time a design has to be captured and communicated, it is done using ISO-GPS. This global specification language enables a drawing of a component developed in one country to be sent to another country, where it can be understood and the component manufactured. ISO-GPS is an effective communications link, even when the designer and supplier do not have a common language. It helps products to be made more easily and efficiently, using fewer resources in the process.

The primary ISO GPS standards for geometrical tolerancing are:

Henrik S. Nielsen